
Our House is more than just a place to stay. In addition to 12 guestrooms including four private suites, the House offers first-class facilities that were thoughtfully designed to meet the needs of families.

Bedrooms & Suites

Our 12 guestrooms are equipped with a single bed(s) with Tempur-Pedic mattresses. Each room has linens, towels, and storage.  Most guestrooms have a television and mini-fridges are available upon request for medications. Suites also have a private sitting area as well as an ensuite bathroom. Our 4 suites are assigned on a priority basis.


Accessible 24/7, the kitchen is the heart of our house.

Dining Room

Our dining room offers a bright and sunny space for guests to enjoy their meals and spend time together as a family.


With beautiful gardens, picnic tables, walkways and benches, the gardens surrounding our House offer guests the chance to stroll, have a picnic and enjoy the outdoors.

Laundry Facilities

Equipped with commercial washers and dryers, the laundry room is accessible 24/7. Detergent is available free of charge.

Fisher-Price Play Space

With festively colored walls and a gigantic selection of toys, our Fisher-Price ® Play Space play room gives kids a space to do what kids do best: Play. We ask that a parent or family member supervise your youngsters at all times.

Living Room

With a couch perfect for snuggling and shelves stocked with board games our living room is a great room to read, watch television, spend time with family and relax.

Family Room

A relaxing space that’s great for watching the big game or playing games and Bubble Hockey with your children.

Computer Room & Library

Quiet work space with computers available for use. Well-stocked shelves with books for all ages.